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Help the sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on in Ukrai­ne with your donation!

On March 9, 2022, the Aid Net­work for Sur­vi­vors of Nazi Per­se­cu­ti­on in Ukrai­ne was estab­lished. The Aid Net­work sup­ports sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on in Ukrai­ne, their fami­lies and col­le­agues from Ukrai­ne affec­ted by the war with the help of dona­ti­ons in an unbu­reau­cra­ti­cal­ly and effective.

  • Pro­vi­ding fast and direct help to sur­vi­vors, their rela­ti­ves and col­le­agues in Ukrai­ne with imme­dia­te finan­cial aid for con­cre­te emergencies.
  • Regu­lar sup­port in the form of spon­sor­ship for curr­ent­ly 100 sur­vi­vors of Nazi persecution.
  • Pro­vi­ding urgen­tly nee­ded aid sup­pli­es and orga­ni­zing care packa­ges tog­e­ther with our coope­ra­ti­on part­ners on the ground.
  • Sup­port for sur­vi­vors who have fled and their rela­ti­ves in Germany.

War Ihre Fami­lie von der NS-Ver­fol­gung im Zwei­ten Welt­krieg betrof­fen?
Haben Sie Kon­takt zu ukrai­ni­schen Über­le­ben­den der NS-Ver­fol­gung oder ihren Ange­hö­ri­gen?
Kon­tak­tie­ren Sie uns, damit wir Hil­fe leis­ten können.

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У Вас є контакти з українськими жертвами нацистських переслідувань чи їхніми родичами?
Будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами! Ми хочемо надати швидку та небюрократичну допомогу.

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