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Call for donations

of the Aid net­work for sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on in Ukraine

As a result of the Rus­si­an war of aggres­si­on on Ukrai­ne, many peo­p­le have fal­len into gre­at need, among them the sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on. Huma­ni­ta­ri­an aid is still urgen­tly nee­ded. With your dona­ti­on we rea­li­ze a coor­di­na­ted and unbu­reau­cra­tic sup­port of sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on, their rela­ti­ves and Ukrai­ni­an part­ners of the network.

The aid net­work sup­ports with imme­dia­te finan­cial aid in con­cre­te emer­gen­ci­es as well as with urgen­tly nee­ded reli­ef sup­pli­es such as food, warm clot­hing or medi­ci­ne. Within the frame­work of a spon­sor­ship pro­gram, we ensu­re month­ly sup­port for sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on through donations.

Sup­port the sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on in Ukrai­ne — your dona­ti­on will make a real difference.

Dona­ti­on account at Ber­li­ner Volksbank:

Reci­pi­ent: Kon­tak­te-Kon­tak­ty
IBAN: DE59 1009 0000 2888 9620 02
Key­word: Aid network

The non-pro­fit asso­cia­ti­on KON­TAK­TE-KOH­TAKT­bI e.V. was ent­rus­ted with the manage­ment of the donations.

With sin­ce­re thanks
Yours Aid net­work for sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on in Ukraine

The “Aid net­work for sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on in Ukrai­ne” was foun­ded on March 9, 2022 on the initia­ti­ve of the Ber­lin asso­cia­ti­on KON­TAK­TE-KOH­TAKT­bI. It now con­sists of 50 initia­ti­ves, foun­da­ti­ons, memo­ri­al sites and memo­ri­als in Ger­ma­ny and Aus­tria, which deal with Nazi cri­mes and in some cases have long-stan­ding cont­acts with sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on, spe­cia­list col­le­agues and coope­ra­ti­on part­ners in Ukraine.

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