Help sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on in Ukrai­ne now with your sponsorship.

With Russia’s ongo­ing war of aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne, the huma­ni­ta­ri­an cri­sis in lar­ge parts of Ukrai­ne con­ti­nues to esca­la­te. Many peo­p­le have fal­len into exis­ten­ti­al need, among them sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on. With the spon­sor­ship pro­ject, we want to ensu­re regu­lar finan­cial sup­port of 40 euros a month for sur­vi­vors who have no fami­ly sup­port or are in a par­ti­cu­lar­ly pre­ca­rious situa­ti­on for other reasons. Pen­si­on pay­ments in Ukrai­ne are on avera­ge 100 euros per month, and the increased pri­ces due to the war as well as infla­ti­on put an addi­tio­nal finan­cial bur­den on them. The regu­lar sup­port means that they can afford the most basic neces­si­ties of life.

This is how easy it is for you to help

  • Deter­mi­ne your indi­vi­du­al con­tri­bu­ti­on amount: from 10 euros per month
  • You con­tri­bu­te to ensu­ring that sur­vi­vors of Nazi per­se­cu­ti­on can con­ti­nue to pro­vi­de for them­sel­ves despi­te the war in their coun­try and help in a very per­so­nal way.
  • You will recei­ve a report every three months from our part­ners in Ukrai­ne about your sponsorship.

How can I dona­te for a sponsorship?

You can direct­ly sign up for a spon­sor­ship online by cli­cking on the but­ton “Dona­te now”. The­re you can deter­mi­ne the amount of your regu­lar month­ly dona­ti­on. Plea­se sel­ect “recur­ring” as the dona­ti­on rhythm, as well as the month­ly direct debit. Plea­se indi­ca­te “Paten­schaft” as the pur­po­se of the dona­ti­on so that we can allo­ca­te your dona­ti­on to the project.

If you would like to take out a spon­sor­ship but do not want to dona­te online, plea­se cont­act us by e‑mail

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